Round-up of my posts & links, March 30-April 3, '08
- Re Ramat Bet Shemesh child-abuse case [Burka-wearing Orthodox mom arrested.]
- Buy now, pay later—update [Naïve bride may face unpleasant surprises.]
- Attn.: Attorneys, et. al.: Why are these fees legal? [A separate mileage fee for renting a car? Incoming-call charges for cell phones?]
- This just makes me sad [A women who's never seen the inside of a sefer Torah can't understand why leining is so difficult.]
- Some comic relief: Dining directions, so to speak :) [American-English slang terms for "eating like a horse." :) ]
- WBM and Israeli Matzav on Israeli-style democracy [Re a member of a non-representational government not having a specific constituency to keep him/her in line.]
- Question of the day: "Whatever happened to privacy?" [Chana asks why anyone’s sex life is anyone else’s business.]
- Recommended reading: "The Missing Piece" [Article on singles by Sarah Bronson, of Chayyei Sarah.]
- "Midnight" Madness--re the bedtime Sh'ma [Four pages??!]
- Member in good, er, sitting, "I hate Tachanun" club
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